Authentically represent your therapy practice online with a custom brand + website.

Hi! We’re Sarah + Oliver.

One of the first things we discovered about each other was that we are both the children of psychotherapists: our mothers are psychologists and our fathers are social workers. Spooky, huh?

This means our imaginary children would have four therapists as grandparents...yeah, we know. We're not sure it's a great idea either.

What we are sure of is that we each harbor deep respect for psychotherapy as a form of modern healing. So much so that we share an intention to become therapists ourselves in the years ahead.

In the meantime, we're exploring different ways to leverage the skills we've developed so far—Sarah's for visual expression and Oliver's for verbal—to meaningfully contribute to the worlds we inhabit. When the idea of working with therapists first presented itself, we were flooded with a rush of warm excitement. It just felt right.

Authentic design
starts from

It's a reflection of who you are, why you chose to do this work, and what characterizes your unique approach to helping others. The most effective websites for therapists evoke an emotional connection, inviting clients into a conversation.

From start to finish, we are committed to helping you build a website that doesn't just get the job done but that positively delights. Something you can look at and say, hey, this feels like me. Something that captures the spirit of your practice—a quality that is distinctively yours.

Our hands-on approach guarantees an online presence you will feel proud to share, including:


A deep-dive strategy session to clarify your story, the vision for your practice, who you aim to reach and your design aesthetic.


Bring your practice to life with a unique wordmark logo, typography, color palette, and custom illustrations (icons).

Storytelling &

A guided process to help you compose clear and compelling website copy, which we will edit to make sure it sparkles.


Each website is formatted for web + mobile and optimized for SEO. We’ll publish it together, and then train you on how to use it.

We offer two packages to meet the needs of therapists at any stage in their careers.


Simple Website

For those who are just starting out or who prefer to keep their online presence to a minimum but want the credibility and convenience of being searchable.


~ 4 weeks




Expanded Website

For those who wish to more deeply engage their audience or who are ready to share a more robust story about who they are and the work they do.


~ 7 weeks




Each of our designs is a thoughtful expression of our clients and the unique relationships they build with those they serve.

  • "As a therapist who is always focused on everyone else, I have to admit it was really fun to move through a process focused on me. I’ve never worked with designers in this way and I found the whole experience immensely exciting and rewarding. The feedback I’ve gotten on the outcome has been heartwarming! Those who know me are impressed by how much of me was captured…and everyone else just comments on how lovely the whole thing is. "

    — Dr. Katharina Anger, PhD

  • "I can't believe the amount of positive feedback I have been receiving from my site. The number of patients reaching out and responding feels as though it has at least doubled. I couldn't be more pleased with having made the decision I did to work with you!"

    — Dr. Shannon Hagan, PsyD

  • "I am so happy with the work SO Studio did! I continue to get compliments from others when I share my site! I am very grateful that it worked out the way it did and I look forward to future collaborations with the team because I trust their insight, design and ability to capture my concepts and put them into visual representations."

    — Nikki Kazarick, LCSW

  • "I can't recommend SO Studio enough. Sarah and Oliver really listened to me: my fears, insecurities, dreams, and visions...and somehow created something that I could have never dreamed of, but was EXACTLY right. It mirrored the therapeutic relationship in a lot of ways, I really appreciated the assessment and information gathering they did. I felt incredibly heard and seen. It truly felt like more than just a transactional business relationship. Me and my business are better because of it."

    — Dr. Heather Greenberg, PsyD

  • "I’m so grateful for the care, insight, and energy Sarah and Oliver gave me throughout this process. It’s a very personal process and they met me on a level above and beyond what I’d expect from a service like this. I love the finished site!"

    — Dr. Katrina Michelle, PhD

  • "Oliver & Sarah are amazing! Their attention to detail, patience with us and responsiveness made them a pleasure to work with. They truly understood our vision and the final website exceeded our expectations! We highly recommend them!"

    — Tara Ferrara and Aly Spira, CCC-SLP

Our values are at the center of our creative process.


We approach each project as a team. Sometimes you will work directly with Sarah, sometimes Oliver, and sometimes both of us together. We show up fully for our clients and we ask for the same in return.

Human Connection

Our intention is to build a relationship, which makes this work meaningful and far more fruitful. You can find faster and cheaper options, but we're confident you won't find a more intimate one.

Art + Expression

Our websites are one-of-a-kind. As artists ourselves, we place a strong emphasis on helping you express yourself—both visually and verbally—to create something that reflects you beautifully.


  • We've spent enough time around therapists to know that many of you are intensely allergic to anything that resembles self-promotion: selling, marketing, branding, etc. Our parents fall into this category—we get it.

    We would, however, like to suggest that a brand, much like a reputation, exists whether you intentionally craft it or not. Each time you visit a website, or a doctor's office, or even a friend's house, you are left with an impression about whoever created it: their taste, their values, their personality, their interests. This impression can be positive or negative or neutral. It can feel thoughtful or careless. But it's unambiguously there. We can either take ownership of this impression...or we can close our eyes, cross our fingers and hope for the best.

    As designers, we get excited about the first option. We aspire to construct brands that are expressive, authentic, intentional, thoughtful and sincere. A breath of fresh air. If you're also excited about this possibility, we'd be honored to help you make it happen.

  • Put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for a therapist online. There are literally thousands of profiles, most of which look and sound pretty much the same. Whether a prospective client arrives on your website because of a referral or through their own research, your odds of hearing from them go way up if you've taken the time to put your best foot forward online.

    Also, an effective website will save you time and money down the road. Visitors to your website will be more likely to understand whether or not you are a good fit for them, which will result in more of the right ones getting in touch. You will spend less time answering the same questions over and over again. You will feel peace-of-mind that every dollar you invest generating leads through marketing won't be wasted because you have a good place to direct those leads. And you will earn greater trust over time as people come to expect and respect the polished way you communicate online.

  • We play a hands-on role in coaching you through the copywriting process. After our Brand Discovery, we will lay out your website, tell you exactly what needs to be written and how long it should be. That said, if you'd like us to take a more active role in writing your copy, let us know and we'll work with you to find a solution.

  • We build our websites on Squarespace, which charges a hosting fee of $16/month (with an extra 20% off your first year). Your domain name, if you don’t already have one, is not included (though this often comes free with your first year on Squarespace as well).

    Besides that, our packages were designed to be comprehensive, so nothing more is required to get your website up-and-running!

  • Don't worry, we're not going anywhere! All packages include a free follow-up session 1 month after project completion to help resolve anything that might have come up since the website was launched. We'll be happy to make any quick fixes during this check-in.

    We also offer up to 10 hours of additional work at a reduced rate in the event that you choose to expand beyond the scope of our original collaboration. So, for example, if you decide you want to add a newsletter, grow your team, or create a social media profile, we’ll be delighted to help.

Let’s chat!

Whether you're interested in one of our packages or have something else in mind, we'd love to hear from you.